Agronomy •  2024-01-08

Be the change your soybeans need

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A different approach to weed management is a good thing. It keeps weeds from getting the upper hand, ensures sustainable crop production for the future and increased yield potential. The Enlist™ Weed Control system covers all these factors and provides an effective tool for managing weeds in soybeans.

The Enlist program includes more than herbicides to manage weeds. It’s a robust management approach that combines beneficial agronomic practices with stewardship and the latest seed and herbicide technologies.

The program approach is a two-pass system that incorporates the use of multiple modes-of-action to effectively manage hard-to-control and resistant weeds in Enlist E3™ soybeans.

Make a difference


Taking a different approach starts with a two-pass system and switching up application timing. Start with a clean field by controlling weeds when they are small, or less than four inches, with a residual pre-emergence or burndown herbicide. This first pass should include alternate modes-of-action where possible for resistance management.

Reducing early season competition from annual grass and broadleaf weeds opens a wider window for the second, post-emergence pass, creating more flexibility in timing, optimum weed control and reduced weed competition.

Multiple modes-of-action

Incorporating multiple modes-of-action is a good agronomic stewardship approach. Keeping weeds off balance can slow resistance development. And, reducing the number of weeds emerging by using alternate modes-of-action, farmers can reduce the selection pressure on post-emergent tools.

Tank-mix flexibility

Using Enlist herbicides – Enlist Duo™ or Enlist™ 1 offers different post-emergence tank-mix options and modes-of-action.

Enlist Duo provides weed control from two modes-of-action in one convenient formulation.

Enlist 1 is a stand-alone 2,4-D choline formulation, providing the flexibility to tank-mix and adjust the rates of glyphosate or Liberty® 200 SN (glufosinate) for hard-to-control and resistant weeds.

Achieve yield potential

With so many tools available to achieve soybean yield goals, the basics can often be overlooked. Taking a program approach to each acre and field is a solid first step to yield preservation – keep crops weed-free during the critical early season period, adopt a two-pass weed control system, include soil-applied herbicides with residual, plant cover crops and practice crop rotation. Adding spring cereals or winter wheat into a crop rotation also offers growers an opportunity to switch up different application timings, chemistries, or modes-of-action.

Different is good

The Enlist weed control system integrates seed and chemistry to provide better yields and better weed control that benefits every soybean acre, field and community.

Taking a program approach to soybean acres isn’t novel, but farmers across North America are realizing an integrated weed management system is effective and pays dividends.